These days we hear and read a lot about pollution. When we say "pollution" we normally refer to
air pollution, but there are other kinds: there is acustic pollution, light pollution... and also visual pollution. Have you heard of visual pollution before?
According to wikipedia, "
visual pollution is the presence of any unwanted sight (vista) that can ruin the aesthetic (estética) of an area. It is especially strong in city and urban areas.
Billboards (vallas publicitarias) antennas, electric wires and automobiles are often considered visual pollution."
And what are the effects of the exposure to visual pollution? Well, again in Wikipedia, it says
"they include: distraction, eye fatigue, decreases (descensos) in opinion diversity, and loss (pérdida) of identity” In my opinion these two last things are probably a bit of an exageration, but maybe there is evidence for this, I don't know.
In an
attempt (intento) to control this visual pollution, about ten years ago, São Paulo approved a "Clean City Law", prohibiting the use of all outdoor
advertisements (anuncios), including on
billboards, transport, and in front of shops. I have seen
some before and after pictures and the difference is fantastic!
I agree so much with this law! I wish they would do it in Madrid -anthough I know they never will. I think we citizens (ciudadanos) are treated just like consumers. From every corner of every city there are signs shouting at us: "BUY THIS!", "BUY THAT!" When we walk in the streets it is difficult not to read every sign there is... it's a little tiring (cansado) when you think about it! I would call all this excess of letters and words, "graphic pollution"
When we buy something, we also take home all those big and bright letters and words in the products we buy, and from the shelves where we put them, those products are still shouting at us and making us read them, breaking the silence and the quiet in our heads.
Ok, it's true that we sometimes need those words to identify what there is inside, although most times a picture would be enough. So what I started doing a few years ago is -especially in the bathroom- as soon as I put something on the cabinet shelves (estantes del armario) or somewhere visible, I peel off the lable (despego la etiqueta). The shampoo, I just put it in a soap dispenser. No words. No voices.
And my bathroom is a quiet space, all silent, as I like it.