Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Naughty sparrows

 I have a bird feeder in my kitchen window that I made for the sparrows (gorriones) that live on the roof (tejado) of my house. I've had it for over ten years now.

At first I started feeding the birds little pieces of bread and breadcrumbs (migas) but then I read about how we shouldn't feed bread to ducks, because it is really not all that good for them. I thought that if it wasn't good for ducks it wasn't good enough for my sparrows either, so I started buying special food for them -bird seeds (semillas) and also sunflower seeds (pipas).

When I have foster cats at home they always loooveee to see the birds when they come to eat -although they can only see them blurry (borroso) through the window. So the cats are another reason why I keep feeding the sparrows; to give them entertainment, it's a bit like "cat TV" for them.

kitties watching birdies. On the right, Lápiz hiding in the sink

When Lápiz and Boli were here, part of my morning routine was feeding the cats and the birds, so that when the cats finished their breakfast they could enjoy the bird-show. But since they left, I very often forget to feed the birds. And I think they are not happy about that, and they have decided to let me know.

I have a plantpot of clovers (tréboles) on the window sill (poyete) next to the feeder, that was looking so pretty; like a fantastic green pompom. Yesterday I saw some of the clovers scattered (esparcidos) on the window sill, and an area of the plantpot was completly "mowed" (segada). I found it strange because it has never happened before, but I thought the sparrows probably needed water and they ware getting it from the plants.... so I put a dish with some water, and I also put plenty of seeds in the bird feeder.

But what I have seen today makes me think there is some other reason for their behaviour (comportamiento) ... the water hasn't stopped them from picking all the clovers-a lot of them are on the patio floor! I have no idea why they are doing it, and to be honest I don't really mind for the plant, I find it very funny... 

...but why are they doing it??? Any ideas?

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